I would prefer to write an article on the 10 biggest things people get right with their wealth but...

2019 is off and running, and it’s already February. Don’t let that stop you from making your financial health a priority for 2019. You can do it!
In January, 2019, AARP published findings from a survey that showed that, when people made a commitment to putting money towards retirement in 2018, they overwhelmingly followed through. Among those who set a retirement savings goal in 2018, 84% saved at least some money for retirement. That’s great! The problem is that only 40% of respondents set a goal. Yikes! And, of the 60 percent who didn’t set a retirement savings goal, a concerning 40 percent saved nothing for retirement. That’s definitely not so great!
What’s the lesson here? Setting a goal is important! It doesn’t necessarily matter what the goal is … save money, track finances, make a budget, lower debt … any of them will work. The bottom line … setting a specific goal will make you more likely to achieve it.
So, let’s get going! Set a financial goal for 2019 and work towards it. Your financial health will thank you for it.
At Virtus Wealth Management, we partner with our clients as they set their goals and work toward achieving them. We share our expertise and techniques even with small-scale financial decisions to help our clients make progress. Progress is progress, and we are here to help.