I would prefer to write an article on the 10 biggest things people get right with their wealth but...

Well, 2020 has been a struggle to say the least. I’m sad to say that I lost my dad in July after a 2 year battle with cancer. It has obviously been rough, and COVID has made it that much worse.
As we enter the fall, I’m ready to turn the page and make a conscious effort to focus on, look for, and see the positives. I’m tired of being tired. I’m tired of being sad. I’m tired of being cooped up. I’ve had enough of that. The holidays are coming, and it’s time to get ready for them. So, let’s make an effort to focus on the positives, and … while we are at it … B A K E!
I propose 2 things for each holiday month (October, November, and December) which also happens to be the remainder of the year. First, I will highlight a positive influence to help set our mindset. These highlights could be a video, a website, a book, or a story. The intent will be to focus on our attitude and perspective. The mind is a powerful thing. It’s time to get it working for us in a positive way for the rest of 2020. Second, I will include a festive cookie recipe. What’s not to love about festive cookies!?!? If that doesn’t improve our attitude and get us ready for the holidays, then I don’t know what will!!! So, October here we come!
Your optimism is your competitive advantage, and so are your cookies!
Don’t let the pessimists or the naysayers get you down. Rise above.Here is a short video from Jon Gordon who is one of my favorite bestselling authors, speakers, and positive leaders. He talks about how life is not a marathon or a sprint; it’s a series of sprints combined with a boxing match where you are getting hit along the way. Approaching life with optimism is the key to your success. He goes on to say that pessimists do not solve the world’s problems; it is the positive leaders, the dreamers, the doers that ultimately create the world and get where they want to go!
You can watch Jon’s video here: Optimism is your Competitive Advantage
Here are some easy, excellent, and festive cookie ideas to help you get ready for Halloween, even and especially if, you don’t like to bake. You cannot go wrong by lifting your holiday spirit with fun holiday cookies for your family. Enjoy!
You can find the cookie ideas here!