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At Virtus Wealth Management, your Southlake independent financial advisors, we help our clients prepare for a financially-secure future by developing long-term strategies that focus on the “big picture” versus short-term gain, thereby managing risk.

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Today’s economic conditions and uncertain financial markets require the savvy investor to go beyond traditional boundaries.


Our mission is to provide innovative, sophisticated and highly customized wealth management solutions and financial advice that address all facets of your finances.

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We tailor everything to each of our clients’ specific needs so that each client can pursue his or her different goals.

Virtus Wealth Management

Virtus Wealth Management is the product of a 2016 merger between two well-established Texas wealth management firms.

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Wealth management is more than just investment advice – it includes all aspects of a client’s financial life.

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Wealth management is more than just investment advice – it includes all aspects of a client’s financial life.

Who We Help

At Virtus Wealth Management, we believe we can help you no matter what age you are, what life stage you are in, or how much money you are working with. We want you to feel educated, empowered, and involved in the planning of your financial future.


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Healthcare Costs and Heath Savings Accounts

Healthcare Costs and Heath Savings Accounts

We at Virtus Wealth Management take pride in offering multiple services through all stages of life, i.e. young adults, established . . .
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Life Insurance At Every Stage Of Life

Life Insurance At Every Stage Of Life

Life Insurance is an important part of financial planning and not something to be overlooked.  Take a look at the . . .
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Money Is Not Math & Math Is Not Money

Money Is Not Math & Math Is Not Money

Yes, money has numbers on it but, money is not math. Math is an accurate science while money is a . . .
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Four Tax Strategies To Have In Place Before Retiring

Four Tax Strategies To Have In Place Before Retiring

To somewhat alleviate and help one overcome the “surprises” in retirement, let me suggest 4 tax strategies to have in . . .
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Your Financial Review – Three Areas To Be Addressed

Your Financial Review – Three Areas To Be Addressed

A financial review should not be just about the performance of one’s portfolio. I know, that is all we really . . .
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Human Understanding

Human Understanding

As financial advisors and wealth managers, one might expect a preoccupation with money. But financial planning is a people business, . . .
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Reasons Not To Own Life Insurance

Reasons Not To Own Life Insurance

I Have Other Financial Priorities This is understandable, but, where do those priorities rank when there is a loss of . . .
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Disclosures Disclosures Disclosures! Who Broke The Code?

Disclosures Disclosures Disclosures! Who Broke The Code?

We individuals, including me, are inundated with disclosures from various financial institutions, including from my own firm. The disclosures are . . .
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So much is written and advertised about compensation in all industries. At the bottom of all these discussions is the . . .
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WHAT NOW? 3 Occasions When Your Income Stops

WHAT NOW? 3 Occasions When Your Income Stops

We all go about our merry ways, but I suggest we need to be cognizant that our income can stop, . . .
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